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Registration is ongoing for our 2024-25 program year!
Summer 2025 & 2025-26 Registration are now also open!

Image by Bernard Hermant

Arts Readiness Training School

The A.R.T.S. early childhood enrichment program at the Academy is a morning program perfect for children whose parents stay-at-home, work-from-home, employ a caregiver, or homeschool older children; or children who attend an afternoon program elsewhere. The Academy A.R.T.S. is designed to carefully nurture curiosity, creativity, and joy in physical movement in addition to pre-academic and social skills. Schedule a tour to come see us at work and play!



2yrs - 4yrs

Developing a curiosity for movement, visual arts, and music

The Downstairs A.R.T.S. program includes art, creative movement, music, physical fitness and a Montessori environment. Each day provides a balance between the teacher-directed movement classes and child-directed art and Montessori based experiences.

Continuing development of creative skills and outside-the-box thinking.

4yrs - 6yrs

The Upstairs A.R.T.S. program offers creative movement, art, creative arts & crafts, music, cultural awareness, world dance, physical fitness, children's literature, Montessori, and science with monthly days dedicated to indoor/outdoor and rigorous/mindful movement. Courses are united around common themes, concepts (shape, color, time), seasons, and cultures from around
the world.
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